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Tarifs - Prices
Full chartering with crew
- for a day : 122000F (=1022€)
- 1/2 day or evening (20h-midnight) : 82000F (687€)
Taxes included
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Bayou croisières
sail extra-large

Atouts - Assets
Board Bayou a speed 60ft sailing catamaran and his skipper Pascal.
The boat offers spacious outside spaces usefull for carrying big equipment (diving, scientific expeditions). Bayou has 2 double cabines, 8 bunk beds in gangways and 2 toilets and showers.
Any destinations possible : south lagoon, Isle of Pines, Loyalty Islands, Vanuatu, Chesterfield
Caractéristiques - Features
Design/Manufacturer : Pinta building site (La Rochelle) - Plan Joubert
Type : sailing catamaran
Length: 60ft ; width: 32,4ft
Draft : 5ft
Capacity (without crew):
- for a cruise: 12 people
- for a day : 24 people
Location : Deck A - Port Moselle - Nouméa
Réalisation : Fabrik