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Tarifs - Prices
Taxi-boat, return ticket to :
Amedee : 6000XPF/adult ; 4500XPF/child
Signal : 4500XPF/adult ; 3000XPF/child
Larégnère : 4500XPF/adult ; 3000XPF/child
Maître : 3000XPF/adult ; 2000XPF/child
Partagez - Share
Dal'Océan Charter (Taxi-boat)
Escape you in taxi-boat !

Atouts - Assets
Dal'Océan offers you regular and punctual shuttle at departure of Port Brunelet (behind Port Plaisance mall) with private car park, on semi-rigid boats of 8,50m at destination of Goéland islet, Maitre, Signal, Larégnère, Amédée lighthouse, Mbho, Ronde, Mato or Uo "Petit Mato"...
Further being Taxi-boat, Dal'Océan can propose you an excursions "Safari day trip" where the skipper will escort all day in different itinerary proposed :
- Amédée islet + Goéland islet
- Baie de Prony : hike at the summit of Cap Ndua (2 hours A/R) + hot spring thermal and Casy islet.
Caractéristiques - Features
2 semi-rigid boats
Length: 26,2ft
Capacity: 12 people
Length: 24,6ft
Capacity: 12 people
Situation: Port Brunelet and/or Port Moselle - Noumea
Réalisation : Fabrik