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Tarifs - Prices
"Try Scuba Diving" (gear included)
- 2 dives : 16000F
"Exploration dives" (2 dives)
- 13 500F week days
- 14 500F week-end
Includes : 2 dives + gear (wetsuit, stab, regulator, tanks), instructor
Night dive : 10 000F
Dives with scooters :
- Beginners (2 dives) : 18 500F
- Training (4 dives) : 37 000F
- rental for certified divers : dives price + 5000F
- rental for non certified divers : 18 500F (2 dives + scooter)
Trainings :
=> ANMP (French) Level 2 (10 dives) to level 3 (10 dives) from 80000F to 90000F
=> SSI :
- Open water (8 dives) : 70 000F
- Specialities : 25 000F (1 day), 37 000F (2 days - deep), 55 00F (3 days stress and rescue)
- Advanced (6 dives) : 120000F
Taxes included
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Iatok Diving Paradise
Iatok Diving Paradise, a friendly atmosphere!

Atouts - Assets
Iatok Diving Paradise organizes dives from Nouméa and the south lagoon. The club will take you to the Great Reef, between Dumbéa's and Boulari's passes where there are more than 20 spots to experienced.
Tours go only in the morning from around 7.30 to 12.30 except for special dives tours.
"Try Scuba diving" or discovery dives :
For beginners and from 14 years old. The try scuba diving is your introduction to the underwater world. It includes 1 dive about 45 minutes lead by an instructor. You'll try some exercices and learn some basic tips about diving. Depth : from 0 to 40ft maximum. A second dive may be possible to the same conditions, if everything went well the first time and with the instructor's agreement.
Exploration dives :
2 dives about 45 minutes each on 2 different sites. Can be supervised according to your diving certification.
Special dives :
Night dive, deep dive, special sites (Prony's needle, South Lagoon). Accessible from the Open Water certification. See with the club for availabilities.
Trainings :
- ANMP (French Underwater Federation)
- SSI : open water, advanced et specialities, divemaster, instructor
- Nitrox
Material gear brand : Aqualung
Caractéristiques - Features
Iatok Diving Paradise has 2 rigid-hulled inflatable boats :
Length: 31,8ft
- "Capelli"
Lentgh: 31,8ft
Capacity (without crew): 15 people (on each boat)
Situation: Port Moselle, deck F (boats), deck H (agency) - Nouméa
Réalisation : Fabrik