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Tarifs - Prices
Half day trip
22 000F (=183€)/jetski (1 pers.)
29 000F (=242€)/jetski (2 pers.)
Day trip
- To Amédée islet
32 000F (=267€)/jetski (1 pers.)
39 000F (=325€)/jetski (2 pers.)
- Jetski+helicotper
35 000F (=292€)/jetski (1 pers.)
45 000F (=375€)/jetski (2 pers.)
Flyboard (30 min.)
12000F (=100€)/pers
Hourly hiring = 13000F/jetski (=109€) + gaz included
see with Locajet for more fare
Taxes included
Partagez - Share
Jetski tours : a rush of adrenalin !

Atouts - Assets
Day or half day trips
With an instructor, go on a half day trip around Maître and Goéland's islets and on a day trip to Amedee islet! Pristine and warm water are just one step away from you !
Based in a FFM (Marine French Federation) federal base, a qualified instructor will guide you on the lagoon and brief you on safety aspects and how to use the machine.
Provided : Wetsuits, lifejacket, waterproof boxes, glasses'cord
Not provided : pic-nic
Optimal and comfortable welcoming conditions : private car park, toilets, warm showers… and drinks available.
Jetski tours + helicopter (day trip)
Minimum : 6 people. Booking : 48h in advance.
You're by yourself? please contact directly LocaJet.
Introduction to flyboarding
A flyboard is a type of jetpack/hoverboard which supplies propulsion to drive the flyboard through air and/or water to perform figures. The introduction takes place at the Côte Blanche (south Noumea, next to Anse vata's bay)
Duration : 30 minutes
Jetski rental
Hourly rental, half day or day
Book on line : www.locajet.info or www.explore-newcaledonia.com/
Caractéristiques - Features
At your disposal : 20 jetskis
Capacity: 2 people max/jetski
Situation: Nouville marina - Noumea
Réalisation : Fabrik